Time to set things straight:
Swine Flu jokes are NOT funny!
I can't tell anymore which is worse, the epedemic itself or the stupidly smiling, laughter awaiting, gobshites saying:
"Yseult is sick? She probably got the Swine Flu! Hahahahahahaha!"
Grown up adults, beaming with joy, having the same anticipation in their faces as small kids that proudly show their thrilled parents they have used the toilet for the first time on their own - and in doing so wrecked the whole bathroom.
Seriously, do you really think that is funny? I would expect that kind of humour from the same above mentioned kid that left a surprise on the parent's bathroom floor. Making a connection from a human being to a swine? Wow, that must have needed rocket science to do that. Respect.
Besides, do you really think you are the first one coming up with that? This was the running gag in kindergarten class for the whole last month. Being creative is something else.
Pixies, you might believe that the world has waited for you and should thank god that he or she send down someone like you to save the world from its sadness. That's so sweet.
Anyways, let's have a look at what the mighty Internet says about jokes:
"A joke is a short story or ironic depiction of a situation communicated with the intent of being humorous."
Source: www.wikipedia.com
Given that, the swine flu "joke" is not really a joke, as it does neither reflect any (subtle) irony nor creative or humourus content.
Furthermore a joke won't become any better if you tell it again and again, especially if it wasn't funny at all in the first place. But say it again, maybe we will laugh this time.
Apart from all the above, thousands of people were and are dying of the Swine Flu. Crying children are being left alone as the beloved father or mother has died.
The name of the disease might not have been chosen wisely (personally I would prefer: "the killer flu") but in the end of the day, it is a disease that is able to cause death.
I would say that no one would make the same sort of inappropriate remarks about cancer or aids, so can we please leave it be in the future?
I always thought the Germans would lack a sense of humour, at least the East Germans, but you Irish are worse.
A German proverb says:
"Humor ist wenn man trotzdem lacht"
which translates to:
If you are in a very bad situation (as being trapped in Pixie land as me), but still can laugh about it, then this is what you would call humour.
Times are bad these days, so to cheer things up a bit, let's all laugh about you now - the hilarious leprechauns -, because you deserve it the most.
If Europe is the ass of the world, Pixie land is its asshole.
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